We spark new ideas

Our equipment is a cut above

Teamwork at every design phase

Speeding up shucking time

Drilling down to what works best

We spark new ideas

Our equipment is a cut above

What We Create


At our manufacturing center in Cambridge, Seed to Shuck designs and produces a variety of equipment for high-volume shellfish processing. We work closely with farmers, processors, and wholesalers to offer designs that make operations faster and more efficient, while reducing labor costs. This includes standard equipment models for floating upwellers, tumblers, upfeed conveyors, discharge sort conveyors, shelling cleaning tubes, hydraulic bin tippers, oyster shell chippers and seed grade sorters. Custom design and manufacturing requests are also accommodated.

Aluminum Floating Upweller System (FLUPSY)

Lighter design with paddle wheel to increase flow and grow out seed


Sorts three ways for shellfish aquaculture operations while tumbling to promote growth and washing shell

Up Feed Conveyor

Conveys shellfish from hopper to tumbler on flighted belt

Discharge Sort Conveyer

Rests at end of tumbler to discharge shellfish into fish totes or baskets

Shell Cleaning Tube

Washing/cleaning of shell for high volume, spat-on-shell production

Hydraulic Bin Tipper

Self-contained hydraulic system with large tote that empties into hopper or elevated position

Oyster Shell Chipper

Rotating chipper to speed up shucking house production

Seed Grade Sorter

Three tubes that grade up to 7 sizes of seed

Lease Buoys

Mark your lease and protect your oysters and farm gear from boaters with premium, heavy-duty buoys that meet federal and state standards for marine markers

Shell Containers

Stainless cages ideal for holding shell in spat-on-shell setting tanks. Lined with vinyl wire or mesh bag material

Not sure what kind of equipment you need? Get in touch.